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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 3: Kerberos > Chapter 6 KRB5 (Kerberos V5) Application Programming Interface

krb5_realm_compare — Compare the realms of two principals

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C Prototype

krb5_boolean krb5_realm_compare (
krb5_context context,
krb5_const_principal princ1,
krb5_const_principal princ2 );


context (input/output) 

The context structure.

princ1 (input)  

First principal name.

princ2 (input) 

Second principal name.


Compares two realms. If the realms of the two principals are the same, return TRUE, else return FALSE.

Return Values

This routine returns one of the following KRB5 status codes:

True.The realms are the same.


The realms are the different.