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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 3: Kerberos > Chapter 6 KRB5 (Kerberos V5) Application Programming Interface

krb5_cc_resolve — Resolve a credentials cache name

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C Prototype

krb5_error_code krb5_cc_resolve(
krb5_context context,
char *string_name,
krb5_ccache *id );


context (input/output) 

The context structure.

string_name (input)  

The credentials cache name to resolve.

id (output)  

The credentials cache identifier that corresponds to the name in string_name.


This routine fills in id with a ccache identifier that corresponds to the name in string_name.

It requires that string_name be of the form type=residual and type is a type known to the library.

Because of OpenVMS file naming differences, the string_name argument is formed in a slightly different way than on other platforms. The equal sign (=) is substituted for the colon (:) to separate the type from the residual.

Return Values

This routine returns the following KRB5 status code:


Successful completion.


Insufficient memory.