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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 3: Kerberos > Chapter 6 KRB5 (Kerberos V5) Application Programming Interface

krb5_change_password — Change an existing password

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C Prototype

krb5_error_code krb5_change_password (
krb5_context context,
krb5_creds *creds,
char *newpw,
int *result_code,
krb5_data *result_code_string,
krb5_data *result_string );


context (input/output) 

The context structure.

creds (input)  

The Kerberos credentials.

newpw (input)  

The new password.

result_code (output) 

A numeric error code.

result_code_string (output) 

The string equivalent of the result_code.

result_string (output) 

The change password response from the KDC.


This routine changes the password for an existing Kerberos account.

Return Values

This routine returns one of the following KRB5 status codes:


Successful completion.


Message stream modified.

KRB5KDC_ERR_BAD_PVNORequested protocol version not supported.

Insufficient memory.

SOCKET_ERRNOError on socket.


Connection timed out.
EHOSTUNREACHNo route to host.