[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems

Previous Contents Index Adding a new Node to a Cluster over IP

This section describes how to add a new node, JASMIN to an existing two-node cluster. Nodes, ORCHID and TULIP are currently members of a two-node cluster, which are at SITE A and SITE B. For more information about configuring a node with IP as interconnect, see Section Node JASMIN is currently a standalone node at SITE C with IP connectivity to both SITE A and SITE B.

Step 1. Ensuring IP Connectivity

Ensure that the IP connectivity between the node JASMIN and the nodes ORCHID and TULIP is working fine. Use the TCP/IP PING utility to test the IP connectivity between JASMIN and other nodes, ORCHID and TULIP.

If PING fails, set up TCP/IP configuration properly so that node JASMIN can ping both ORCHID and TULIP.

Step 2. Executing the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM

Execute CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM on node JASMIN. Because, the node JASMIN is a standalone node, complete the procedure described in Section Complete the sequence of steps provided in the following example while entering the unicast list.

Do you want to enter unicast address(es)(Y/N)[Y]?[Return]
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? 
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? 
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? (1)
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? [Return]
SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file generated in node JASMIN shown below 
! CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN creating for CHANGE operation on 10-JUL-2008 14:14:06.57 

(1) Enter the IP address of JASMIN, ORCHID and TULIP while configuring the node JASMIN.


The unicast list must be consistent in all nodes of the cluster. Hence, while entering the unicast list in JASMIN, enter the IP addresses of all the three nodes of the cluster (that is, JASMIN, ORCHID and TULIP). You can also enter the local nodes IP addresses along with the Unicast list as it facilitates system management.

Step 3. Completing the Configuration Procedure Continue to run the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM to complete the cluster configuration procedure, see Section for more details.

Step 4. Updating the PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT File To ensure that the nodes join the cluster, it is required to have PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT consistent through all the members of the cluster. Copy the SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file that is created on node JASMIN to the other nodes, ORCHID, and TULIP.

Step 5. Refreshing the Unicast List

On both ORCHID and TULIP, to update the new unicast list in the PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file, enter the following command for PEDRIVER:


You can also use SYSMAN and run the command cluster wide.


The following rule is applicable when IP unicast address is used for node discovery. A node is allowed to join the cluster only if its IP address is present in the existing members of the SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file.

Step 6. Running AUTOGEN and Rebooting the Node

After the first boot of JASMIN, AUTOGEN.COM runs automatically to join the existing cluster consisting of nodes ORCHID and LOTUS.

JASMIN$ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT Adding a new Node to a Cluster over IP with a Shared System Disk

This section describes how to add a new node JASMIN that has a shared system disk of TULIP. ORCHID and TULIP are currently members of two-node cluster which are at SITE A and SITE B.

Step 1. Obtaining the Interface Information

Node JASMIN is an OpenVMS Alpha node and is directly connected to the system disk of one of the node TULIP. In this configuration, Node JASMIN is connected in network, but not yet booted.

To configure a Cluster over IP, the interface information of JASMIN is required. This information can be obtained from the '>>>' prompt on JASMIN by executing the following command:

dga5245.1003.0.3.0         $1$DGA5245   COMPAQ HSV110 (C)COMPAQ  3028 
dga5245.1004.0.3.0         $1$DGA5245   COMPAQ HSV110 (C)COMPAQ  3028 
dga5890.1001.0.3.0         $1$DGA5890   COMPAQ HSV110 (C)COMPAQ  3028 
dga5890.1002.0.3.0         $1$DGA5890   COMPAQ HSV110 (C)COMPAQ  3028 
dka0.0.0.2004.0            DKA0              COMPAQ BD03685A24  HPB7 
dka100.1.0.2004.0          DKA100            COMPAQ BD01864552  3B08 
dka200.2.0.2004.0          DKA200            COMPAQ BD00911934  3B00 
dqa0.              DQA0       HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8480  2.11 
dva0.0.0.1000.0            DVA0 
eia0.0.0.2005.0            EIA0              00-06-2B-03-2D-7D 
pga0.               PGA0        WWN 1000-0000-c92a-78e9 
pka0.7.0.2004.0            PKA0                  SCSI Bus ID 7 
pkb0.               PKB0                  SCSI Bus ID 6  5.57 

From the output, the interface will be EIA0 on which the IP address will be configured and can be used for cluster formation.

To obtain the interface information on Integrity server system, execute the following commands on the EFI Shell:

fs0:\> cd efi 
fs0:\EFI> cd vms 
fs0:\EFI\VMS> vms_show device 
VMS: EIA0               00-30-6E-F3-EC-6E 
EFI: Acpi(HWP0002,0)/Pci(3|0)/Mac(00306EF3EC6E) 
VMS: DKA100             HP 36.4GST336754LC      HPC2 
EFI: Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(1|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0) 
VMS: DKA0               HP 36.4GMAS3367NC       HPC3    X8_3_XBJL 
EFI: fs0: Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(1|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0) 
VMS: EWA0               00-30-6E-F3-3C-28 
EFI: Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(2|0)/Mac(00306EF33C28) 

From the output, the interface will be EIA0. Here fs0: is the partition of the shared system disk.


Execute the following command procedure on node TULIP:

                   Cluster/IPCI Configuration Procedure 
                   CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN Version V2.84 
                     Executing on an Alpha System 
DECnet Phase IV is installed on this node. 
Alpha satellites will use LANCP, not DECnet, for MOP downline loading. 
        Enter a "?" for help at any prompt.  If you are familiar with 
        the execution of this procedure, you may want to mute extra notes 
        and explanations by invoking it with "@CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN BRIEF". 
    TULIP is an Alpha system and currently a member of a cluster 
    so the following functions can be performed: 
MAIN Menu 
   1. ADD an Alpha node to the cluster. 
   2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 
   3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics. 
   4. CREATE a duplicate system disk for Tulip. 
   5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 
   6. DELETE a root from a system disk. 
   7. EXIT from this procedure. 
Enter choice [7]: 1 
    This ADD function will add a new Alpha node to the cluster. 
  WARNING: If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES for 
           every cluster member must be adjusted. For complete 
           instructions check the section on configuring a cluster in the 
           "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual. 
  CAUTION: If this cluster is running with multiple system disks and 
           common system files will be used, please, do not proceed 
           unless appropriate logical names are defined for cluster 
           common files in SYLOGICALS.COM. For instructions, refer to 
           the "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual. 
Do you want to continue [Y]?Y 
Is the node to be a clustered node with a shared SCSI/FIBRE-CHANNEL bus (Y/N)? Y 
Will the node be a satellite [Y]? N 
What is the node's SCS node name? JASMIN 
What is the node's SCSSYSTEMID number? 14487 
Will JASMIN be a boot server [Y]?Y 
This procedure will now ask you for the device name of JASMIN's system root. 
The default device name (DISK$TULIPSYS:) is the logical volume name of 
What is the device name for JASMIN's system root 
[default DISK$TULIPSYS:]? 
What is the name of JASMIN's system root [SYS3]?SYS3 
    Creating directory tree SYS3 ... 
    System root SYS3 created 
ENABLE IP for cluster communications (Y/N)? Y 
UDP port number to be used for Cluster Communication over IP[49152]?[Return]
Enable IP multicast for cluster communication(Y/N)[Y]?Y 
What is the IP multicast address[]? [Return]
What is the TTL (time to live) value for IP multicast packets [1] ?  [Return]
Do you want to enter unicast address(es)(Y/N)[Y]?Y 
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? 
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? 
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? 
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]?  [Return]
        Cluster Communications  over IP  has  been  enabled.  Now 
        procedure. Please select the IP interfaces to be used for 
        Cluster Communications  over IP  (IPCI). This can be done 
        selecting "Core Environment"  option from the main menu 
        followed by the "Interfaces"  option.  You may also use 
        this opportunity to configure other aspects. 
Press Return to continue ... 
       Checking TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configuration database files. 
        HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Core environment 
                 2  -  Client components 
                 3  -  Server components 
                 4  -  Optional components 
                 5  -  Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 6  -  Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 7  -  Run tests 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 4 
                [E] -  Exit configuration procedure 
Enter configuration option: 1 
       HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Domain 
                 2  -  Interfaces 
                 3  -  Routing 
                 4  -  BIND Resolver 
                 5  -  Time Zone 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 5 
                [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 2 
    HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=TULIP, Active=TULIP 
 Configuration options: 
                 0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node: TULIP) 
                 1  -  WE0 Menu (EWA0: TwistedPair 1000mbps) 
                 2  -    Tulip                 Configured,IPCI 
                 3  -  WE1 Menu (EWB0: TwistedPair 1000mbps) 
                 4  -  WE2 Menu (EWC0: TwistedPair 1000mbps) 
                 5  -  WE3 Menu (EWD0: TwistedPair 1000mbps) 
                 6  -  WE4 Menu (EWE0: TwistedPair 1000mbps) 
                 7  -  WE5 Menu (EWF0: TwistedPair 1000mbps) 
                 8  -  WE6 Menu (EWG0: Multimode 10000mbps) 
                 9  -  WE7 Menu (EWH0: TwistedPair 1000mbps) 
                10  -  IE0 Menu (EIA0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
                11  -  IE1 Menu (EIB0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
Enter configuration option or press ENTER key to continue: 0 (1)
Enter name of node to manage [TULIP]: JASMIN 
JASMIN is not currently a cluster member. 
* Continue configuring JASMIN [NO]: Y (2)
Enter system device for JASMIN [$10$DGA165:]:(3) 
Enter system root for JASMIN []: SYS3 (4) 
    HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=Not Configured 
 Configuration options: 
                 0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node: JASMIN - $10$DGA165:[sys3.]) 
                 A  -  Add an Interface                                               
                [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: A 
Enter controller name (e.g. EIA or EWC, etc): [ENTER when done] EIA (5)
    Controller Name       :  EIA 
    TCP/IP Interface Name :  IE0 
* Is this correct [NO]: Y 
Interface Menu: IE0 
      HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface IE0 Configuration Menu (Node: JASMIN) 
 Configuration options: 
                 1  - Add a primary address on IE0 
                 2  - Add an alias address on IE0 
                 3  - Enable DHCP client to manage address on IE0 
                [E] - Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 1 (6)
* Is this address used by Clusters over IP (IPCI) [NO]: Y (7)
    IPv4 Address may be entered with CIDR bits suffix. 
    E.g. For a 16-bit netmask enter 
Enter IPv4 Address []: 
Default netmask calculated from class of IP address: 
    IPv4 Netmask may be entered in dotted decimal notation, 
    (e.g., or as number of CIDR bits (e.g. 16) 
Enter Netmask or CIDR bits []: 
Enter hostname []: JASMIN 
Requested configuration: 
      Node     : JASMIN 
      Interface: IE0 
      IPCI     : Yes 
      Address  : 
      Netmask  : (CIDR bits: 8) 
      Hostname : JASMIN 
* Is this correct [YES]:Y 
Added hostname JASMIN ( to host database 
  The system hostname is not configured. 
  It will now be set to jasmin ( 
  This can be changed later via the Interface Configuration Menu. 
Updated system hostname in configuration database 
Added address IE0: to configuration database 
Updated Interface in IPCI configuration file: $10$DGA165:[SYS3.SYSEXE]TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT; 
Updated Default Route in IPCI configuration file: $10$DGA165:[SYS3.SYSEXE]TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT; 
    HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=JASMIN 
 Configuration options: 
                 0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node: JASMIN - $10$DGA165:[sys3.] 
                 1  -  IE0 Menu (EIA0:) 
                 2  -          JASMIN                Configured,IPCI 
                 I  -  Information about your configuration 
                 A  -  Add an Interface 
                [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 
       HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Domain 
                 2  -  Interfaces 
                 3  -  Routing 
                 4  -  BIND Resolver 
                 5  -  Time Zone 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 5 
                [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 
        HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Core environment 
                 2  -  Client components 
                 3  -  Server components 
                 4  -  Optional components 
                 5  -  Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 6  -  Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 7  -  Run tests 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 4 
                [E] -  Exit configuration procedure 
Enter configuration option: 
SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file generated in node JASMIN's root shown below 
! CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN creating for CHANGE operation on 15-JUL-2008 15:23:56.05 
SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT file generated in node JASMIN's root shown below 
Field Description
(1) In the TCP/IP configuration, select option 0 to set the target node to JASMIN, which is the new node added to the cluster.
(2) Proceed with the configuration procedure to configure node JASMIN.
(3) Enter the system device for JASMIN, which is $10$DGA165.
(4) Enter JASMIN's root, which is SYS3.
(5) Enter the controller information on which IP will be configured for cluster traffic. This is the controller information that has been obtained from the console of the machine JASMIN as explained in the beginning of the configuration.
(6) Select the option to add the primary address for IE0 (IP interface name of controller EIA).
(7) Enable the use of IE0 for Cluster over IP and proceed with the rest of the configuration.

Step 3. Completing the Configuration Procedure

Continue to run the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM to complete the cluster configuration procedure. For more information, see Section

Step 4. Updating the PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file

To ensure that the nodes join the cluster, PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT must be consistent through all the members of the cluster. Copy the SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_ CONFIG.DAT file that is created on node JASMIN to the other nodes, ORCHID and TULIP.

Step 5. Refreshing the Unicast list

On both ORCHID and TULIP, to update the new Unicast list in the PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file, enter the following command for PEDRIVER:


You can also use SYSMAN and run the command cluster wide.


The following rule is applicable when IP unicast address is used for node discovery. A node is allowed to join the cluster only if its IP address is present in the existing members SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file.

Step 6. Running AUTOGEN and Rebooting the Node

After the first boot of JASMIN, AUTOGEN.COM runs automatically. JASMIN will now be able to join the existing cluster consisting of nodes ORCHID and LOTUS.

JASMIN$ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT Adding an Integrity server Satellite node to a Cluster over IP

This section describes how to add a satellite node to an existing two-node cluster. JASMIN is an Integrity server satellite node and is added to a cluster that has two nodes, ORCHID and TULIP. TULIP is the boot server for the satellite node.


For both Alpha and Integrity server satellite nodes, the satellite node and its boot server must exist in the same LAN segment.

Step 1. Selecting the Interface for Satellite Booting

To select the interface to be used for satellite booting, assume that the satellite node does not have any disk running OpenVMS connected to it.
Note: If you are adding Alpha systems as satellite nodes, you can get the information from ">>>" prompt by executing the following command:

dga5245.1003.0.3.0         $1$DGA5245   COMPAQ HSV110 (C)COMPAQ  3028 
dga5245.1004.0.3.0         $1$DGA5245   COMPAQ HSV110 (C)COMPAQ  3028 
dga5890.1001.0.3.0         $1$DGA5890   COMPAQ HSV110 (C)COMPAQ  3028 
dga5890.1002.0.3.0         $1$DGA5890   COMPAQ HSV110 (C)COMPAQ  3028 
dka0.0.0.2004.0            DKA0              COMPAQ BD03685A24  HPB7 
dka100.1.0.2004.0          DKA100            COMPAQ BD01864552  3B08 
dka200.2.0.2004.0          DKA200            COMPAQ BD00911934  3B00 
dqa0.              DQA0       HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8480  2.11 
dva0.0.0.1000.0            DVA0 
eia0.0.0.2005.0            EIA0              00-06-2B-03-2D-7D 
pga0.               PGA0        WWN 1000-0000-c92a-78e9 
pka0.7.0.2004.0            PKA0                  SCSI Bus ID 7 
pkb0.               PKB0                  SCSI Bus ID 6  5.57 

From the output, the LAN interface will be EIA0 on which IP address is configured and used for cluster configuration.


The Alpha console uses the MOP protocol for network load of satellite systems. Because the MOP protocol is non-routable, the satellite boot server or servers and all satellites booting from them must reside in the same LAN. In addition, the boot server must have at least one LAN device enabled for cluster communications to permit the Alpha satellite nodes to access the system disk.

On Integrity server systems, the interface name either starts with 'EI' or 'EW'. If it is the first interface, it will be EIA0 or EWA0. Note the mac address of the interface that you want to use from the Shell prompt. To obtain the interface information on Integrity servers, execute the following command on EFI Shell:

Shell> lanaddress 
LAN Address Information 
   LAN Address        Path 
   -----------------  ---------------------------------------- 
   Mac(00306E4A133F)  Acpi(HWP0002,0)/Pci(3|0)/Mac(00306E4A133F)) 
  *Mac(00306E4A02F9)  Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(2|0)/Mac(00306E4A02F9)) 

Assuming that the interface which is active is EIA0, configure the satellite with EIA0, if it does not boot with EIA0 then try with EWA0 subsequently.


Execute CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN on the boot server node TULIP and select the appropriate option as described in the following example:

TULIP$ @SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM                                        
                   Cluster/IPCI Configuration Procedure 
                   CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN Version V2.84 
                     Executing on an IA64 System 
    DECnet-Plus is installed on this node. 
    IA64 satellites will use TCP/IP BOOTP and TFTP services for downline loading 
    TCP/IP is installed and running on this node. 
        Enter a "?" for help at any prompt.  If you are familiar with 
        the execution of this procedure, you may want to mute extra notes 
        and explanations by invoking it with "@CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN BRIEF". 
    TULIP is an IA64 system and currently a member of a cluster 
    so the following functions can be performed: 
MAIN Menu 
   1. ADD an IA64 node to the cluster. 
   2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 
   3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics. 
   4. CREATE a duplicate system disk for TULIP. 
   5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 
   6. DELETE a root from a system disk. 
   7. EXIT from this procedure. 
Enter choice [7]: 
    This ADD function will add a new IA64 node to the cluster. 
  WARNING: If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES for 
           every cluster member must be adjusted.  For complete instructions 
           check the section on configuring a cluster in the "OpenVMS Cluster 
           Systems" manual. 
  CAUTION: If this cluster is running with multiple system disks and 
           common system files will be used, please, do not proceed 
           unless appropriate logical names are defined for cluster 
           common files in SYLOGICALS.COM. For instructions, refer to 
           the "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual. 
Do you want to continue [Y]? Y 
Is the node to be a clustered node with a shared SCSI/FIBRE-CHANNEL bus (Y/N)? N 
Will the node be a satellite [Y]? [Return]
What is the node's SCS node name? JASMIN 
What is the node's SCSSYSTEMID number? 25482 
    DECnet is not running. 
    No DECnet databases will be updated with information on JASMIN. 
Does JASMIN need to be registered in the DECnet namespace [N]?[Return]
What is the Cluster Alias fullname? 
   This procedure will now ask you for the device name of JASMIN's system root. 
    The default device name (DISK$TULIPSYS:) is the logical volume name of 
What is the device name for JASMIN's system root [default DISK$TULIPSYS:]? [Return]
What is the name of JASMIN's system root [SYS14]? [Return]
What is JASMIN's LAN adapter hardware address? 00-30-6E-4A-02-F9 (1)
What is JASMIN's TCP/IP address []? [Return] (2)
What is JASMIN's TCP/IP gateway or gateways (leave blank if none)? (3) 
What is JASMIN's TCP/IP network mask []? (4)   
  NOTE:  Make sure to set the VMS_FLAGS console variable 
         to 0,200000 on node JASMIN so it will use 
         the memory-disk method to boot as a satellite. 
         The command to update this variable from the 
         console EFI shell of JASMIN is: 
           set vms_flags "0,200000" 
Allow conversational bootstraps on JASMIN [N]? [Return]
    The following workstation windowing options are available: 
       1. No workstation software 
       2. DECwindows Workstation Software 
Enter choice [1]: 
    Creating directory tree SYS14 ... 
    System root SYS14 created 
ENABLE IP for cluster communications (Y/N)? Y (5)
UDP port number to be used for Cluster Communication over IP[49152]? [Return] (6)
Enable IP multicast for cluster communication(Y/N)[Y]? Y (7)
What is IP the multicast address[]? [Return] 
What is the TTL (time to live) value for IP multicast packets [1] ? 32]? [Return] (8)
Do you want to enter unicast address(es)(Y/N)[Y]? Y (9)
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? 
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? 
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? 
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? [Return]
        Cluster Communications  over IP  has  been  enabled.  Now 
        procedure. Please select the IP interfaces to be used for 
        Cluster Communications  over IP  (IPCI). This can be done 
        selecting "Core Environment"  option from the main menu 
        followed by the "Interfaces"  option.  You may also use 
        this opportunity to configure other aspects. 
Press Return to continue ... 
        Checking TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configuration database files. 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Core environment 
                 2  -  Client components 
                 3  -  Server components 
                 4  -  Optional components 
                 5  -  Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 6  -  Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 7  -  Run tests 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 4 
                [E] -  Exit configuration procedure 
Enter configuration option: 1 
        HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Domain 
                 2  -  Interfaces 
                 3  -  Routing 
                 4  -  BIND Resolver 
                 5  -  Time Zone                               
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 5 
                [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 2 
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=[], Active=[] 
 Configuration options: 
   0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node: TULIP) 
   1  -  IE0 Menu (EIA0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
   2  -   *noname*              Configured 
   3  -   []                    IPCI 
   4  -  IE1 Menu (EIB0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
   5  -   *noname*              Configured,Active 
   I  -  Information about your configuration                       
  [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 0 (10)
Enter name of node to manage [TULIP]: JASMIN 
JASMIN is not currently a cluster member. 
* Continue configuring JASMIN [NO]: YES (11)
Enter system device for JASMIN [DSA2:]: (12)
Enter system root for JASMIN []: SYS14 (13)
      HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=JASMIN 
 Configuration options: 
   0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node: JASMIN - DSA2:[SYS14] 
   A  -  Add an Interface                                        
  [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: a 
Enter controller name (e.g. EIA or EWC, etc): [ENTER when done] EIA (14)
    Controller Name       :  EIA 
    TCP/IP Interface Name :  IE0 
* Is this correct [NO]: y 
Interface Menu:IE0 
      HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface IE0 Configuration Menu (Node: JASMIN) 
 Configuration options: 
         1  - Add a primary address on IE0 
         2  - Add an alias address on IE0 
         3  - Enable DHCP client to manage address on IE0        
        [E] - Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 1 (15)
* Is this address used by Clusters over IP (IPCI) [NO]: Y (16)
    IPv4 Address may be entered with CIDR bits suffix. 
    E.g. For a 16-bit netmask enter 
Enter IPv4 Address []: 
Default netmask calculated from class of IP address: 
    IPv4 Netmask may be entered in dotted decimal notation, 
    (e.g., or as number of CIDR bits (e.g. 16) 
Enter Netmask or CIDR bits []: 
Enter hostname []: JASMIN 
Requested configuration: 
      Node     : JASMIN 
      Interface: IE0 
      IPCI     : Yes 
      Address  : 
      Netmask  : (CIDR bits: 8) 
      Hostname : jasmin 
* Is this correct [YES]: 
Added hostname jasmin ( to host database 
  The system hostname is not configured. 
  It will now be set to jasmin ( 
  This can be changed later via the Interface Configuration Menu. 
Updated system hostname in configuration database 
Added address IE1: to configuration database 
Updated Interface in IPCI configuration file: DSA2:[SYS14.SYSEXE]TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT; 
Updated Default Route in IPCI configuration file: DSA2:[SYS14.SYSEXE]TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT; 
      HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=JASMIN 
 Configuration options: 
   0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node: JASMIN - DSA2:[SYS14.]) 
   1  -  IE1 Menu (EIB0:) 
   2  -     JASMIN                  Configured,IPCI 
   I  -  Information about your configuration 
   A  -  Add an Interface 
  [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 
        HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Domain 
                 2  -  Interfaces 
                 3  -  Routing 
                 4  -  BIND Resolver 
                 5  -  Time Zone                         
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 5 
                [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: E 
        HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Core environment 
                 2  -  Client components 
                 3  -  Server components 
                 4  -  Optional components 
                 5  -  Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 6  -  Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 7  -  Run tests 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 4 
                [E] -  Exit configuration procedure 
Enter configuration option: E 
SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file generated in node JASMIN's root shown below 
! CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN creating for CHANGE operation on 15-JUL-2008 15:23:56.05 
SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT file generated in node JASMIN's root shown below 

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