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Displays the current characteristics of a specific terminal. Each characteristic corresponds to an option of the SET TERMINAL command.


SHOW TERMINAL [device-name[:]]



Specifies the name of the terminal for which you want the characteristics displayed. The default is your terminal (SYS$COMMAND).


The SHOW TERMINAL command displays the information about terminal settings for such things as terminal speed, width, number of lines, graphics, and device type.

Note that the SHOW TERMINAL command does not describe terminal fallback characteristics if any are activated. If the Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF) is enabled, you can invoke the Terminal Fallback Utility (TFU) and issue the subcommand SHOW TERMINAL/FALLBACK. For more information, see the OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Utility Manual (available on the Documentation CD-ROM).



Displays a subset of more commonly used terminal characteristics.

/FULL (default)

Displays all terminal characteristics.



Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier without a file specification, the output is sent to the current process default output stream or device, identified by the logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. If you enter a file specification, it cannot include the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters.

If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.


Requires LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O) privilege.

Displays the permanent characteristics of the terminal.



Terminal: _RTA1:      Device_Type: VT300_Series  Owner: _RTA1:
                                              Username: REHOR
Terminal Characteristics:
   Speed:   9600      Page:  62          Width: 80
   No Remote          Hostsync           TTsync
   No Modem           Broadcast          Wrap
   No Hangup          No Disconnect      Overstrike editing
   No Dialup          Application keypad Line Editing

In this example, the SHOW TERMINAL command displays a subset of the more commonly used terminal characteristics.


Terminal: _TTE4:       Device_Type: VT102         Owner: FRANKLIN
Physical Terminal: _LTA49
   Input:   9600      LFfill:  0      Width:  80      Parity: None
   Output:  9600      CRfill:  0      Page:   24      
Terminal Characteristics:
 Interactive        Echo               Type_ahead    No Escape
 No Hostsync        TTsync             Lowercase     Tab
 Wrap               Scope              No Remote     Eightbit
 Broadcast          No Readsync        No Form       Fulldup
 No Modem           No Local_echo      No Autobaud   Hangup
 No Brdcstmbx       No DMA             No Altypeahd  Set_speed
 Line Editing       Overstrike editing No Fallback   No Dialup
 No Secure server   No Disconnect      No Pasthru    No Syspassword
 No SIXEL Graphics  Soft Characters    Printer port  Numeric Keypad
 ANSI_CRT           No Regis           No Block_mode Advanced_video
 Edit_mode          DEC_CRT            DEC_CRT2      No DEC_CRT3

In this example, the SHOW TERMINAL command displays the characteristics of this specific terminal. If you are displaying statistics about a terminal allocated to another user, the input, output, LFfill, CRfill, width, page, and parity statistics are not shown (see the next example).


Terminal: _RTA1:      Device_Type: VT300_Series  Owner: _RTA1:
                                              Username: VILLA
Remote Port Info: NODE12::VILLA
   Input:    9600     LFfill:  0      Width:  80      Parity: None
   Output:   9600     CRfill:  0      Page:   62
Terminal Characteristics:
 Interactive        Echo             Type_ahead         No Escape
 Hostsync           TTsync           Lowercase          Tab
 Wrap               Scope            No Remote          Eightbit
 Broadcast          No Readsync      No Form            Fulldup
 No Modem           No Local_echo    No Autobaud        No Hangup
 No Brdcstmbx       No DMA           No Altypeahd       Set_speed
 No Commsync        Line Editing     Overstrike editing No Fallback
 No Dialup          No Secure server No Disconnect      No Pasthru
 No Syspassword     SIXEL Graphics   No Soft Characters Printer port
 Application keypad ANSI_CRT         Regis              No Block_mode
 Advanced_video     Edit_mode        DEC_CRT            DEC_CRT2
 DEC_CRT3           No DEC_CRT4      No DEC_CRT5        Ansi_Color
 VMS Style Input    <CTRL-H> Delete

In this example, the SHOW TERMINAL command displays the full terminal characteristics.

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