H.3 After Installing the Client Software on Your PC
When you create an OpenVMS Cluster or OpenVMS
Node object in an OpenVMS Management Domain, you select the transport
you want to use for all connections to that system. You can choose
DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS or TCP/IP.
OpenVMS Management Station uses this transport
for all communications between the PC and this system, or between
any other OpenVMS system that is running the OpenVMS Management Station
server and this system.
NOTE: For primary servers, the OpenVMS Management Station
client supports only TCP/IP connections. That is, the connection
between the PC and the OpenVMS system uses only TCP/IP. Therefore,
at least one OpenVMS system must be running TCP/IP.
You do need to make sure that your PC can connect
to the primary-server systems, as described in the following sections.
OpenVMS Management Station connects your PC to the primary-server
system and then routes management operations to the target systems.