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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

Content starts here 3.3 Installing the OpenVMS Guest Operating System
HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Upgrade and Installation Manual > Chapter 3 Installing the OpenVMS Operating System

3.3 Installing the OpenVMS Guest Operating System

HP Integrity VM is a soft partitioning and virtualization technology that provides operating system isolation, with sub-CPU allocation granularity and shared I/O. Integrity VM can be installed on an Integrity server or a hardware partition (nPartition) running HP-UX. You can install OpenVMS as a “guest” operating system, which is an Integrity VM environment running on Integrity servers. An Integrity VM Host administrator or an OpenVMS system administrator can manage a guest operating system like a discreet Integrity server or nPartition.

For more information about OpenVMS installation, see Chapter 1 “Getting Started”.

For more information about Integrity VM installation, see the HP Integrity Virtual Machines Installation, Configuration, and Administration manual.

NOTE: OpenVMS guest on Integrity VM is supported on VT-i (Intel Virtualization Technology for the Intel Itanium architecture) enabled Intel Itanium2 processors. Currently Intel Itanium2 9000 and 9100 series supports VT-i.

3.3.1 Preparing to Install the Guest Operating System

This section describes the important steps you need to take before installing the guest operating system.

The Integrity VM kit is installed on the VM Host. Integrity VM is not supported with hyperthreads. The following command checks if hyperthreading is enabled:

# getconf SC_HT_ENABLED
NOTE: In the output 1 indicates hyperthreading is enabled and 0 indicates hyperthreading is disabled.

If hyperthreading is enabled, disable it by executing the following command and reboot the VM:

# /usr/sbin/setboot -m off
# reboot

The following are the pre-installation steps:

  1. Obtain installation materials and necessary site-specific information

  2. Guest operating system's networking information, such as:

    • Host name for each guest

    • IP Address for each guest (if fixed)

    • Subnet Mask

    • IP address of one or more DNS servers and the gateway machine

    • DECnet address for each guest

  3. Guest operating system's time-zone

  4. Guest operating system's “system” password

  5. Identify the installation DVD drive location by executing this command on the VM Host:

    # ioscan -NfunC disk
    disk      7  64000/0xfa00/0x4  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       Optiarc DVD RW AD-5590A
                         /dev/disk/disk7   /dev/rdisk/disk7

    Additionally, you can use the DVD to create an ISO file by copying the disk to the file system using an utility such as dd. Mount the disk onto the VM Host file system and execute the dd command to create an ISO file:

    # mount /dev/disk/disk237 /fdev/frackA/
    # dd if=/dev/rdisk/disk7 of=/fdev/frackA/OpenVMS.iso bs=64k

  6. To create and start the virtual switch (vswitch), use the hpvmnet command. A physical LAN device has to be selected that acts as a virtual switch. To view all running LAN interfaces, use the nwmgr command:

    # nwmgr
    Name/          Interface Station          Sub-   Interface      Related
    ClassInstance  State     Address        system   Type           Interface
    ============== ========= ============== ======== ============== =========
    lan0           UP        0x0017A4771010 igelan   1000Base-SX
    lan1           DOWN      0x0017A4771012 igelan   1000Base-SX
    lan900         DOWN      0x000000000000 hp_apa   hp_apa
    lan901         DOWN      0x000000000000 hp_apa   hp_apa
    lan902         DOWN      0x000000000000 hp_apa   hp_apa
    lan903         DOWN      0x000000000000 hp_apa   hp_apa
    lan904         DOWN      0x000000000000 hp_apa   hp_apa

    In this example lan0 interface “UP” status indicates the LAN interface is running.

    To create the virtual switch, use the following command:

    # hpvmnet -c -S myswitch -n 0

    In this example the virtual switch name is myswitch and it uses the lan0 interface.

    To start the virtual switch, use the following command:

    # hpvmnet -b -S myswitch 
  7. To create a file to act as OpenVMS system disk, use the hpvmdevmgmt command:

    # hpvmdevmgmt -S 4G /fdev/frackA/disk1

  8. To create a virtual machine on the VM Host, use the following commands:

    # hpvmcreate -P vmsg1 -O OpenVMS -c 2 -r 2g 
    # hpvmmodify -P vmsg1 -a network:avio_lan::vswitch:myswitch
    # hpvmmodify -P vmsg1 -a disk:avio_stor::file:/fdev/frackA/disk1

    For DVD, run this command:

    # hpvmmodify -P vmsg1 -a dvd:avio_stor::disk:/dev/rdisk/disk7

    For ISO file, run this command:

    # hpvmmodify -P vmsg1 -a dvd:avio_stor::file:/fdev/frackA/OpenVMS.iso

    In this example, the virtual machine name (guest name) is vmsg1 of operating system type OpenVMS comprising of the following:

    • 2 CPUs

    • 2 GB memory

    • AVIO LAN virtual switch with the name myswitch

    • AVIO disk with backing store as /fdev/frackA/disk1

    • AVIO DVD with backing store as /dev/rdisk/disk7 (for DVD) or AVIO disk with backing store as /fev/frackA/OpenVMS.iso (for ISO file)

    NOTE: Specify the operating system type as OpenVMS.

    If a physical disk is used as a backing store, the disk can be defined to assume disk4 as the path to the physical disk. You can replace the command # hpvmmodify -P vmsg1 –a disk:avio_stor::file:/fdev/frackA/disk1 with the command # hpvmmodify -P vmsg1 –a disk:avio_stor::disk:/dev/rdisk/disk4.

    If a logical volume is used as a backing store, the logical volume can be defined to assume rlv012 as the path to the logical volume. You can replace the command # hpvmmodify -P vmsg1 –a disk:avio_stor::file:/fdev/frackA/disk1 with the command # hpvmmodify -P vmsg1 –a disk:avio_stor::lv:/dev/vg01/rlv012

  9. To display the status information about one or more Integrity VMs, use the following command:

    # hpvmstatus
    [Virtual Machines]
    Virtual Machine Name VM #  OS Type State     #VCPUs #Devs #Nets Memory  Rmt Host
    ==================== ===== ======= ========= ====== ===== ===== ======= ========
    vmsg1                    1 OpenVMS Off            2     2     1    2 GB        -

Now the VM Host is prepared for installing the guest operating system.

3.3.2 Installing the Guest Operating System

You can install the guest operating system by following the below procedure:

  1. To start the virtual machine on the VM Host, use the following command:

    # hpvmstart -P vmsg1    
    (C) Copyright 2000 - 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 
    Opening minor device and creating guest machine container 
    Creation of VM, minor device 1  
    hpvmstart: Successful start initiation of guest 'vmsg1' 
    You can use the hpvmconsole command to connect to the guest.

  2. To connect to the virtual console of the guest operating system, use the following command:

    For example:

     # hpvmconsole -P vmsg1
    [vmsg1]  vMP> CO
    Loading device drivers
    EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.62] [Build:Mon Nov  3 14:18:56 2008]
    Please select a boot option
    EFI Shell [Built-in]
    Boot option maintenance menu
    Use ^ and v to change option
    where CO is the command for console output, use Ctrl/B to return to the vMP main menu.

    1. Typically, the EFI shell is selected automatically upon startup. If not, select EFI Shell [Built-in] from the menu.

      Loading.: EFI Shell [Built-in]
      EFI Shell version 1.10 [14.62]
      Device mapping table
      fs0 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0)/CDROM(Entry0)
      blk0 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0)
      blk1 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0)
      blk2 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0)/CDROM(Entry0)

      The following example shows the file systems fs0, fs1, and fs2 present on the disk:

      fs0 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0)/HD(Part1,Sig5D1D1134
      fs1 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0)/HD(Part2,Sig5DB58D88
      fs2 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0)/CDROM(Entry0)  
      EFI lists devices with file systems detected as fs(n). In this example, fs0 and fs1 are older file systems that are present on the disk. File system fs2 corresponds to the bootable OpenVMS Virtual DVD, as can be recognized by the CD against it.

    2. Boot the installation DVD, which is indicated in the device-mapping table as /CDROM, by entering the commands given in the example below. Choose the virtual DVD drive by using the fs command. In the following example the virtual DVD is shown as fs2:

      For example:

      fs2:\> cd efi\boot


      Boot the OpenVMS installation virtual DVD and perform a normal OpenVMS installation.

      NOTE: To return from the vMP press Ctrl/B (when logged in from the VM Host console, use Ctrl/X).

      After executing the bootia64 command, the standard OpenVMS installation menu is displayed. From this menu onwards, the OpenVMS guest operating system installation is similar to the installation of OpenVMS on a physical system.

      NOTE: To return from the virtual console, press Ctrl/B. Enter RS to restart the virtual machine and then resume the OpenVMS installation procedure.