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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

Content starts here 7.3 Registering Your Licenses
HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Upgrade and Installation Manual > Chapter 7 After Installing or Upgrading the OpenVMS Operating System

7.3 Registering Your Licenses

If you did not register your OpenVMS licenses during the installation, you must do so before you can use the OpenVMS operating system. You must also register the licenses for OpenVMS layered products. If your operating system came preinstalled, you must register licenses. The licenses are not preinstalled. If you plan to form a volume shadow set for your newly installed system disk, you must enter and load the VOLSHAD license.

If you have upgraded your operating system, register any new OpenVMS or layered product licenses. Note that licensing schemes differ between OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity server systems. For OpenVMS Integrity server systems, a single OE license grants the right to use all the components bundled in the purchased OE. Each OE is offered with Per Core Licenses (PCLs).

For information about registering licenses, see the following documents:

  • HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual

  • HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Release Notes

  • For OpenVMS Integrity server systems, the HP Operating Environments for OpenVMS for Integrity Servers Software Product Description (SPD 82.34.xx).

To register licenses, use the OpenVMS License utility as follows:

  1. Start the OpenVMS License utility by entering the following command at the OpenVMS system prompt. (You can also use the LICENSE REGISTER command.)

  2. The utility displays a menu screen similar to the following. Select the REGISTER option (press Enter or enter 1 at the prompt), and enter each license key until you have successfully registered all required PAKs.

       VMS License Management Utility Options:
           1. REGISTER a Product Authorization Key
           2. AMEND an existing Product Authorization Key
           3. CANCEL an existing Product Authorization Key
           4. LIST Product Authorization Keys
           5. MODIFY an existing Product Authorization Key
           6. DISABLE an existing Product Authorization Key
           7. DELETE an existing Product Authorization Key
           8. COPY an existing Product Authorization Key
           9. MOVE an existing Product Authorization Key
          10. ENABLE an existing Product Authorization Key
          11. SHOW the licenses loaded on this node
          12. SHOW the unit requirements for this node
          99. Exit this procedure
          Type '?' at any prompt for a description of the information 
          requested. Press Ctrl/Z at any prompt to return to this menu.
    Enter one of the above choices [1]
  3. After each license is successfully registered, the procedure asks whether the license should be loaded. Answer YES.

  4. After you have registered and loaded all your licenses, exit the License Management procedure by entering option 99.