Forces the pseudoterminal to be deleted and frees
the channel.
D.3.1 Format |
D.3.2 Returns |
OpenVMS usage: | longword (unsigned) |
type: | write |
access: | by value |
D.3.3 Argument |
OpenVMS usage: | channel |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Number of the I/O channel assigned to the pseudoterminal.
This channel is only intended to be used for PTD$XXX operations.
D.3.4 Description |
PTD$DELETE forces the pseudoterminal to be deleted
and frees the channel assigned to the pseudoterminal. When a pseudoterminal
is deleted, any process using the pseudoterminal (except the control
program) is disconnected. A PTD$DELETE request causes any pending
I/O for the control program to be aborted. It deletes any queued event
notification ASTs and returns the I/O buffers back to the application.
It also causes the pseudoterminal unit control block (UCB) to be deleted
once the reference count returns to zero.
D.3.5 Return Values |
SS$_NORMAL | Normal successful completion. |
SS$_DEVOFFLINE | Device is off line and request cannot proceed. |
SS$_IVCHAN | Illegal channel. |
SS$_NOPRIV | Insufficient privilege to perform request. |