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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Excursion Question

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The Question is:

I cannot get the Excusrion product to work properly. I have a Windows NT 4.0 PC trying to connect with a DEC Alpha running OpenVMS 6.2.
When I connect using a terminal mode, the PC seems to connect OK but there are noises the come from the PC speaker whenever I type something or a screen is sent back to my PC. I have sounds disabled on the Excursion control panel. The noises are very anno
I cannot get the Xwindows stuff to work at all. When I select the MWM application, nothing happens and no errors are generated.
Any ideas.

The Answer is :

  I'm sorry but you have reached the wrong Wizard -- you have reached the
  OpenVMS Wizard, not the PC Products Wizard.
  Please contact the DIGITAL Customer Support Center (CSC) directly for
  assistance with this problem.

answer written or last revised on ( 20-APR-1998 )

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