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HP OpenVMS Systems

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BACKUP/OWNER V7.1 UIC zero bug?

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The Question is:

Is there a known problem with the /OWNER and /BY_OWNER
qualifiers for the $BACKUP command under VMS 7.1? I get
an error message (sorry I do not have the message with
me) if I specifiy a UIC with a member number of zero. For
$BACKUP A.BCK/SAVE DISK:/OWNER=[400,0] generates an error
$BACKUP A.BCK/SAVE DISK:/OWNER=[400,777] does not
The error indicates there is a problem with a parameter
being passed to a BACKUP routine. The parameter in question
seems to be the group number raised by some power of 2.
Sorry for the lack of details.

The Answer is :

  This would appear to be a bug in BACKUP, as zero is a valid UIC member.
  Please contact the DIGITAL Customer Support Center (CSC) directly/
  (There are no available BACKUP ECO kits for the OpenVMS Alpha V7.1
  release at the http://www.service.digital.com/ website.)

answer written or last revised on ( 22-APR-1998 )

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