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HP OpenVMS Systems

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UCX telnet problems?

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The Question is:

  My Vax system is VMS5.5-2,UCX 3.3 version.
Question is:
   1. We use telnet connect vax.
      While I remote to connect vax system usually occur on-line timeout.
      , please advise me how to configure timeout parameters and what is
      the value of timeout.
   2. Can Vms system use remote DNS database ?

The Answer is :

  Make sure you have the most recent ECO for DIGITAL TCP/IP Services V3.3.
  If the problem persists after the ECO is applied, please contact the
  DIGITAL Customer Support Center for assistance.
  Consider an upgrade to both OpenVMS and to DIGITAL TCP/IP Services --
  both of the software versions in use here are well out of date.
  All recent versions of DIGITAL TCP/IP services support DNS lookups.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-APR-1998 )

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