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HP OpenVMS Systems

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help with SMTP via firewall?

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The Question is:

I want to reroute my e-mail message to a relay mail
server. Our Alpha is behind a firewall so no e-mail's
can go to the outside world. We use the smtp of open
VMS 6.2 and I want to use a Unix computer as the relay
server. Where do I put the relay server's address on the
Alpha ?
Thank you

The Answer is :

  Without considerably more information on your local network configuration,
  it is difficult to answer this question -- this question is likely best
  handled by the folks familiar with your local network configuration, with
  your firewall, and your local security requirements -- your local network
  support group.
  Several IP packages are available for OpenVMS, and each has multiple
  versions -- which versions and ECOs will effect the answer.
  Why is the firewall blocking SMTP mail from one node, and not from
  another?   (Is there a reason for this need to relay?  Or is there a
  reason why the system can not send mail out directly?)
  In MAIL, one can use the SET FORWARD command.  Depending on the context,
  you may need to quote the string:
    MAIL> SET FORWARD "user@node.mumble"
  Older versions of IP packages -- those not updated for OpenVMS V6.2
  and later -- may need to use:
    MAIL> SET FORWARD "SMTP%user@node.mumble"

answer written or last revised on ( 22-JUN-1998 )

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