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HP OpenVMS Systems

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V5.5-2 documentation pricing and part numbers?

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The Question is:

Would you please send me the list of OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 manuals and price

The Answer is :

  OpenVMS V7.1 is the current OpenVMS release -- manuals for older
  OpenVMS releases are not necessarily still available for purchase.
  The part numbers for current documentation are available via the
  Overview of OpenVMS Documentation manual, a current copy of which
  is online in HTML format at http://www.openvms.compaq.com:8000/.
  The current full OpenVMS V7.1 documentation set is: QA-001AA-GZ.7.1
  The OpenVMS V7.1 documentation CD-ROM part number is AG-QSBYB-BE.
  Based on your email address, you appear to be located in Thailand.
  Please contact your local Compaq reseller or the Thai sales office
  for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-FEB-2001 )

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