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HP OpenVMS Systems

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tell me about queue job entry numbers?

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The Question is:

Got a good one for ya...
When SUBMITting batch jobs on our OVMS-Alpha V6.2-1H3
system, the entry numbers jump from 9999 to 1001001. In
ACCOUNTNG reports (/BRIEF), all such entry numbers (higher
than 1001001) appear as 1001.
Any ideas? Is there a patch kit that we need? If so, is
it available on the Web (ftp, or whatever)?
Thanx in advance for any help you can offer.

The Answer is :

  This is entirely normal and expected behaviour -- the queue manager
  job entry number is an "opaque" longword datatype, and it must be
  treated as such.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-JUL-1998 )

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