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HP OpenVMS Systems

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help with map file?

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The Question is:

How do I interpret a vms link map file for instance
how will I interpret the following line in the object
module synopisis
Module Name     Ident              Bytes      File
-----------     -----              -----      -----
EQ_PRICE_LAU    V1.0            157650073 DEV:[SBHATIA.EQBSK.BUILD]GRFP.OLB;1
Does this mean that in memory this module will require
157650073 bytes

The Answer is :

  This is a rather large code module, and will require approximately the
  specified amount of virtual address space for the code.  (Any required
  data storage will mean additional virtual address space requirements.)

answer written or last revised on ( 9-JUL-1998 )

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