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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Product Version Support Matrix? (swroll)

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The Question is:

I once found on the web a page that listed various layered products, their
versions and which versions of VMS they were compatible with.  I have a
customer that wants to upgrade from VMS 5.5-2 to either 6.2 or 7.1.  I have a
list of all their layered products and need to find which versions are
compatible with these versions of VMS.  I have the Condist CDs for many years
back so getting the right layered products isn't a problem.  Do you know of
the web page that list the various LPs along with the range of VMS versions
that they are compatible with?  It would *really* help.

The Answer is :

  Please see the OpenVMS "software rollout" web page.  The software
  rollout web page contains a list of the minimum supported software
  versions of various products for specific OpenVMS releases.  This
  page is accessable via the OpenVMS web page (and particularly via
  the secondary http://www.openvms.digital.com/openvms/ web page).
  The direct link to the software rollout web page is:
  The Wizard is aware of no web page that lists a range of supported
  OpenVMS releases for a particular product, just the mimimum supported
  product version for a particular OpenVMS release.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-JUL-1998 )

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