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HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

What does the letters m c r stand for.  As in:
$mcr authorize

The Answer is :

  MCR is a synonym for running an image located in SYS$SYSTEM:.
  The MCR verb derives from the mechanism used on RSX-11M systems, the
  Monitor Console Routine (MCR), and dates back to the days when RSX-11M
  code was still in use throughout VMS itself -- the last vestiges of this
  RSX-11M compatibility mode code present in the core of the operating
  system were removed with VAX/VMS V4.0.
  MCR was used to invoke an RSX-11M image using compatibility mode, but it
  could also invoke a VAX native mode image.  It became a commonly-used but
  obscure "shorthand" for invoking native images located in the system
  directory, and it remains in widespread use in this capacity today.
  At VAX/VMS V4.0, RSX-11M compatibility mode support became a seperate
  component product.  But the MCR verb remained.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-JUL-1998 )

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