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Sluggish (UCX?) FTP connections?

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The Question is:

When trying to ftp connect from a client (OS/2) PC to an
ALPHA, it takes a full minute from the time that the IP
socket connects till the time that the ALPHA issues a
"NAME" login prompt and our client software times out.
Is there a way to speed-up this process? Perhaps some FTP
timing parameter on the ALPHA? Our DEC 6620 returns a FTP
login prompt in less than a second.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The Answer is :

  Start with an upgrade to the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) to
  the current version with the current ECO.  This would be UCX V4.1
  or (better) V4.2, with the associated ECO kit applied.
  Determining what is going on at a lower level will likely require
  contact with the Customer Support Center, enabling logging within
  the tools and/or looking directly at the timing of the underlying
  network activity.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-JUL-1998 )

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