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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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The Question is:

We have UCX and the UCX POP-server installed.
However incomming mails with MIME extensions
are getting changed in a way that neither NETSCAPE nor
Eudora can handle them correctly. This concerns not only
attached files but primarily non-standard characters
like German-Umlauts. Some documents are getting almost
unreadable, which is annoying if you send official mails.
Is there a way to configure UCX or POP so that it leaves the
mails as they are (without inserting additional headers)
so that Eudora or Netscape can convert them ?
Are there other (free) POP3 servers for VMS ?
(As I understand POP is a very simple program)

The Answer is :

  Please check for available ECOs for the version of TCP/IP Services
  for OpenVMS (UCX) in use, and please contact the customer support
  center.  UCX V4.1 and V4.2 are the most recent versions, and there
  are ECO kits available that are applicable to each of these releases.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-JUL-1998 )

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