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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Typical DECserver 90M Boostrap Time?

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The Question is:

How long should it take for a Decserver 90M to boot?
We just got our first 90M, and it takes about 6 minutes
to come up.   If I monitor the 90M from port 1 i see the
messages that it is loading from flash, and within a few
seconds it displays Image load complete.  The problem is
now it takes about 5 minutes before it says Software
Initialization complete.  In between the messages "Image
load complete" and "Software initialization complete" the
port LEDs cycle between (1-4 on, 5-6 off) and (1-4 off,
5-6 on).  Is this normal, or is it doing something screwy?

The Answer is :

  Recent versions of the DECserver 90M program image have exceeded the
  capacity of the flash RAM, and are thus compressed -- decompression
  times  circa 5 minutes or more (depending on version) are not unusual.

answer written or last revised on ( 20-JUL-1998 )

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