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HP OpenVMS Systems

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UTC support on OpenVMS V6.2?

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The Question is:

O.K.  Stupid question.  Does VMS 6.2 support UTC/GMT time?  I hadn't seen
any mention until VMS 7.0 Release Notes of UTC, but under VMS 6.2 there a
file named SYS$MANAGER:UTC$CONFIGURE_TDF.COM.  Does this imply that it's

The Answer is :

  Short answer: yes.
  The UTC system services and the associated support were discussed in the
  OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 New Features Manual, and the OpenVMS VAX V6.0 New
  Features Manual, among other places.  The UTC system services are listed
  in the associated system service reference manuals, as well.
  There have been minor changes to the supporting mechanisms, and to the
  behaviour of the storage of the TDF, to bring OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS
  Alpha behaviour into alignment.  This was around the V7.0 release.  (The
  program-visible operations of the UTC system services have not changed.)

answer written or last revised on ( 24-JUL-1998 )

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