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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Help with freeware package (tar) ACCVIO?

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The Question is:

I am a unix person temporarily working on Alphaserver 4000 5/400 running
OpenVMS 6.2, and I have several Unix .tar.Z files that need be ported.
I have obtained gunzip-axp.exe and vmstar-axp.exe from http://www.openvms.
digital.com/openvms/freeware/freeware.html, and followed the procedure as
indicated there; gunzip works, but when I do
$ tar xf tarfile_tar
I get error messages starting with
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=04, ...
???  Thanks for your help.

The Answer is :

  The Wizard would recommend checking with the folks in the comp.os.vms or
  similar newsgroup -- and you will want to provide the entire ACCVIO error
  message(s) received when you post your question(s).  Alternatively, check
  with the author(s) of the Freeware kit to see if an update is available.
  With OpenVMS V6.2, there is a version of tar included in the POSIX kit.
  (POSIX is a seperately-installed kit licensed with OpenVMS.  It contains
  a number of UNIX-like tools and APIs, in addition to the POSIX shelll.)

answer written or last revised on ( 30-JUL-1998 )

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