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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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OpenVMS testimonial

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The Question is:

After years of successfull use of the VMS operating system
I and others are being forced to migrate to UNIX.  I don't
know who the idividuals were who made the UNIX O/S, but I
think I know what they where smoking when they did it.
This has to be the most unintuitive and user hostile O/S
I've ever had the misfortune to use.  Well, maybe it's tied
with TSO.
I hope to God that VMS makes a comeback.
Good luck and Gods speed.
Kevin J. Kucera
JSF Program
The Boeing Company
Seattle, Washington

The Answer is :

  The Wizard is working to keep OpenVMS a viable and valuable choice.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-AUG-1998 )

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