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HP OpenVMS Systems

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help identifying VAXserver 3xxx series system?

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The Question is:

I have a VaxServer model 640QS-B2 serial WF93806634,
I do not have the manuals because I aquired the machine surplus,
I need to know what the 10 and 20 pin connectors are on the
cpuboard M7620-BA and how big the memory cards M7622-AJ and
M7622-AP are, and what the M7740 board is.
Thank You.

The Answer is :

  The Wizard would recommend enrolling in the DAS DIGITAL Assisted
  Services program.  DAS (sometimes called the DECmailer program) will
  provide you with access to diagnostics and hardware swaps, as well as
  to information that will allow you to identify and maintain Q-bus
  Information on MicroVAX systems are available via sites referenced in
  the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting -- pointers to
  hardware-oriented sites are available.
  The M7620 is the KA650 CPU, and can operate in a variety of different
  enclosures including the BA23, BA123, BA213, and BA215 enclosures.
  The connectors on the KA650 CPU are for the console serial line, and
  for the console bulkhead.  A pair of short ribbon cables connect these
  to the CPU bulkhead panel.  (Please see the OpenVMS FAQ entry "VAX1.
  Please explain the back panel of the MicroVAX II" for information on
  the CPU bulkhead used for the KA630, KA650, and KA655 CPU modules.)
  The 640QS system was used with the KA640 CPU and the VAXserver 3400
  series systems, and the KA640 CPU is not compatible with the KA650 CPU
  bulkhead and CPU options -- the 16 MB memory modules are compatible,
  however.  It appears that the CPU and the enclosure do not match.
  The M7622-AJ and M7622-AP modules are MS650-Bx series memory modules;
  these are 16 MB modules.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-AUG-1998 )

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