[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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VASFULL errors and virtual address space?

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The Question is:

I get the error message: -SYSTEM-F-VASFULL, virtual address space is full.
What can be done to correct this problem?

The Answer is :

  Resolving a "virtual address space full" error typically requires
  increasing the amount of virtual address space available to the process.
  On OpenVMS VAX, a set of memory management tables is used to map the
  available system physical memory into the process-private virtual address
  space, and the size of these tables limits the total size of virtual
  memory available to each process on the system.  (The VAX architectural
  limit for the size of process virtual address space is two gigabytes for
  the process-private portions of virtual address space, with the remaining
  virtual address space -- up to two additional gigabytes -- shared among
  all processes on the system.)
  Increasing the table size and the amount of virtual memory each process
  can use entails increasing both the setting of the SYSGEN parameter
  quota value (via AUTHORIZE).
  The OpenVMS error messages and recovery documentation can be helpful in
  determining the cause of and the potential resolution(s) of a particular
  error.  On OpenVMS versions V6 and later, this documentation is available
  online using the HELP/MESSAGE command:
 VASFULL,  virtual address space is full
  Facility:     SYSTEM, System Services
  Explanation:  The virtual address space is full.
  User Action:  Reboot and increase the amount of allowable virtual address
                space. If this message is associated with a vector disabled
                (VECDIS) status code, insufficient process virtual address
                space exists to allow the current process's mainline vector
                state to be saved.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-AUG-1998 )

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