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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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mixed operating systems and disk storage?

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The Question is:

I want to be able to read and write files to/ from 3.5" diskettes to a vax
4000 or microvax 3100 running openvms 6.2.
  My sollution is to have TCP/IP  with FTP services on the vax and TCP/IP on
the PC running W95 or WNT.
I envision the PC to be the client and the vax to be server.
What software do I need on the PC to accomplish this.
I am prepared to run CONVERT utilities on the vax to get the files in the
appropriate format.
I have been using DEC SoftPC to do this;  but it is not Y2K compliant.
Has anybody out there already done this and how ?

The Answer is :

  The PCDISK utility image allows OpenVMS to directly read and write
  FAT-format floppies on OpenVMS.  The PCDISK image is part of PATHWORKS.
  Remote reading and writing of disks can be achieved using PATHWORKS,
  SAMBA, FTP, NTDS, and NFS, among other technologies.
  The Wizard has also seen references to software that will allow PC
  systems to read the OpenVMS ODS2 disk structure.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-AUG-1998 )

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