[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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help with shareable images?

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The Question is:

We have an application which links with a sharable image ,
sys$share:myprog/share - in opt file.  'myprog.exe' is installed as
/open/share.  Occasionally we wish to run the application and not call
functions which are in myprog.exe.  If myprog.exe is not
installed on that box and we try to run application, we get error
%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image MYPROG
shareable images must be installed
We are now attempting to make a dummy myprog.exe, which has dummy functions
and will keep the application happy.  The part of the application which
calls these functions will never be executed.
When we compile, link, and install  the new 'myprog.exe' and attempt to run
the application, get the error :
%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image MYPROG
-SYSTEM-F-SHRIDMISMAT, ident mismatch with shareable image
Investigating , GSMATCH and IDENTIFICATION options for the linker to resolve
this.  Using GSMATCH ALWAYS,0,0 results in the same error.
Also used analyse/image with old and new 'myprog.exe' to try to find what
would resolve this.
Any information on how to link the application and/or the  new 'dummy'
myprog.exe , so that the application will not complain if the 'dummy' is
installed ?
We are using VAX C.
Hope all this is understandale !

The Answer is :

  Please start with the shareable image cookbook webpage -- this webpage
  is referenced by the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)...

answer written or last revised on ( 11-AUG-1998 )

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