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HP OpenVMS Systems

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revoking PATHWORKS client licenses?

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The Question is:

I am rather new to VMS however I always have to call my DEC support because
of Pathworks license "10" not connecting to my VAX. I only use2 computers to
connect to my VAX for file sharing but I have installed new computers and
DEC says its because thelice
nse's are being used by other "older" computers. Is there a "SIMPLE"
explanation of how to remove the old computer license numbers from being
used so my new computers can use pathworks to talk to the VAX. Seems as
though no one can walk me threw it, and I
 find this ridicolous, to have DEC come out everytime I change a PC's
functions. I have read the FAQ's and I didn't see this problem anywhere. I
experince this problem about once a month. Please help...thanks Ray

The Answer is :

  The following information is from Chapter 5 of the Guide to Managing
  PATHWORKS Licenses.  This information is also available from online help:
    Revoking Client Licenses
    When you revoke a client's license, you can re-assign the license
    to another client or to the same client the next time the client
    requests a license from that group.  When a client's license is
    revoked, the client must request a new one to access the PATHWORKS
    server again.
    You may want to revoke a client's license for any of the following
      o The client moved to a new organization.
      o The client was assigned a license from the wrong group.
      o The client's hardware configuration has changed.
    To revoke a license assigned to a client, follow these steps:
      1. From the View menu, choose Client Licenses.
      2. Select the client license you want to revoke.
         Make sure the client with the desired product is
         selected (highlighted).
      3. From the Actions menu, choose Revoke.
      4. Choose Yes to revoke the license.

answer written or last revised on ( 18-AUG-1998 )

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