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HP OpenVMS Systems

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PCI device driver changes for OpenVMS Alpha V7.1?

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The Question is:

We have written a device driver for a PCI interface to some I/O hardware.
The driver works well under VMS 6.2 but crashes under VMS 7.1. The crash
occurs when we call IOC$WRITE_IO for the first time. All previous calls to
routines such as IOC$MAP_IO retur
n successfully and the handle from this routine is used in the call to
WRITE_IO. The bugcheck is due to a write to an invalid address. Are there
any significant changes we need to make to the driver for V7.1 ?. Is there
an example PCI driver available ?

The Answer is :

  Please see the _OpenVMS Alpha Guide to 64-bit Addressing_ and the
  OpenVMS Alpha Guide to Upgrading Privileged-Code Applications_
  manuals, as well as the Digital Press _Writing OpenVMS Alpha Device
  Drivers in C_ as starting points.
  For access to PCI driver listings, the source listings CD-ROM sets
  are available:
    QB-MT1AB-E8      OpenVMS Alpha Source Listings CD-ROM
    QT-MT1AB-Q8      OpenVMS Alpha Source Listings CD-ROM Updates
    QB-001AB-E8      OpenVMS VAX Source Listings CD-ROM
    QT-001AB-Q8      OpenVMS VAX Source Listings CD-ROM Updates

answer written or last revised on ( 18-AUG-1998 )

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