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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS printing to remote printers?

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The Question is:

I have a non Y2K compliant OpenVMS application that currently uses VMS print
queues to generate hard copy reports to DEC (sixel)printers.  I would like
to know if there is a software tool that would enable the ability to send
the VMS print job to a Window
sNT server printer queue such that the print job is then managed and
displayed on the NT server?  If this is possible, I could then deploy a
special WindowsNT print driver that will capture a image of this report and
write it into a database for preservat
ion beyond the year 2000.

The Answer is :

  OpenVMS can print via the SMB protocol and various IP protocols such
  as lpr/lpd.
  Various SMB printing capabilities are part of the PATHWORKS and other
  similar packages.  IP printing is part of the TCP/IP Services for
  OpenVMS (UCX) and similar packages.
  OpenVMS also supports user-written print symbionts, which can be
  programmed to fit most any printing requirement.

answer written or last revised on ( 20-AUG-1998 )

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