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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS VAX standalone BACKUP NOTANSI error?

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The Question is:

MicoVax 3100 TK50 tapes
Stand Alone backup.
I get:
BACKUP-F-NOTANSI, tape not ANSI format.
Ive also tried intitalizing tapes ahead of time and using the
on stand alone backup command line
Any clue as to what is missing?
Or is this a hardware problem.
Please help

The Answer is :

  The Wizard generally initializes the tapes prior to bootstrapping
  standalone BACKUP -- this confirms that the tapes are accessable,
  are of the correct density for the tape drive, that the volume
  protection is correct, and that the labels are set as expected.
  The usual format for a multi-volume standalone BACKUP is:
  The Wizard always specifies /SAVE_SET on the saveset argument.
  /[NO]REWIND and /[NO]INITIALIZE can be involved, depending on the
  required state of the device that is the target of the /SAVE_SET.
  And yes, this could also potentially indicate a hardware problem with
  the TK50 drive itself.  Try using standard BACKUP or similar commands
  to "exercise" the drive under OpenVMS, and see if any problems or
  errors arise.
  Make certain that the TK50 CompaTape cassettes are initialized only in
  TK50 or TZ30 drives -- attempts to use cassettes that were initialized
  in TK70 or higher-density drives will fail.
  Specification of the OpenVMS VAX version number can be helpful.  There
  have been BACKUP ECOs for various versions that might be applicable.)

answer written or last revised on ( 20-AUG-1998 )

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