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HP OpenVMS Systems

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wiring a modem to a DECserver?

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The Question is:

We recently moved from a VAX to an Alpha Server.  In the process we also
moved from a 550 Server to 900TM's.  We used modems on the 550 to access the
VAX.  We have not been successful in moving the Modems to the 900's.  We
used the cable pinouts for the D
ECserver 900TM H8585-AC to DB25 Modem adapter for the cabling.  We tried the
H8585-AB to DB25 as well.  The AB configuration matches the pinout of the US
Robotic Modems so I feel comfortable with that configuration.  Why wont the
Alpha connect to the the
modems.  Is there a sequence we need for the 900 Port configuration, or what
else could be missing?

The Answer is :

  General documentation on connecting modems to OpenVMS systems has been
  posted elsewhere in the Ask the Wizards area of the web site.
  The H8585-AB can be used in conjunction with a BN41B "octopus" cable,
  to connect from one of the jacks on the MP8 "harmonica" to a low-speed
  (9600 or less) DB25 connection.
  You will first want to use a serial-line breakout box to determine
  that you have the appropriate modem control signals available, and
  with the correct settings from both the modem and from the host.
  Then check the general modem documentation cited above for information
  on configuring the host or the DECserver correctly -- the configuration
  requirements are basically the same, though the specific commands will
  obviously differ.
  You will also need to ensure that the host and the modem have agreed
  on a baud rate.
  If you are unable to resolve this, please contact the customer support
  center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-AUG-1998 )

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