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HP OpenVMS Systems

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determining when DECterm is resized?

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The Question is:

For an application written in C and running
on a DECterm, is there any way to have an
interrupt occur when the DECterm is resized?
That is, when the "Auto Resize Window" option
is enabled and the user changes the size
of the DECterm window.
This would be something similar to the
"SIGWINCH" signal produced when an Xterm is
resized in many Unix environments.  (An
interrupt would be preferrable to polling
the terminal setting.)

The Answer is :

DECterm doesn't provide a mechanism for notifying the application when the
window has been resized.  Although it's less convenient for the user, an
alternative to polling would be for the application to provide a command
for the user to issue after resizing the window, e.g. "Update Window Size"
which could be bound to a function key or control sequence depending on
how the user normally gives commands to the application.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-AUG-1998 )

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