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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Support for automatic system failover?

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The Question is:

Dear Sir,
 I have 2 Axp Boxes 2100 running Open VMS 7.1 so
I would like to make each box to be backup to
each other by automatically if one box fail.
My question is Does DEC have any software to
help me on this or Can polycenter do this ?
If yes can I write my own application to talk
with that software ?

The Answer is :

  Please take a look at the features and benefits of an OpenVMS Cluster.
  You can use the capabilities of a cluster to balance the load across
  the available systems, to share some or all files, to fully share all
  system authorization data, to share queues and such, and to share all
  application and user configuration information.  OpenVMS Cluster
  configurations support network mechanisms (LAT and DECnet) that allow
  requests and operations to be (transparently) routed to the best available
  system, and (transparently) routed to the remaining system (automatically)
  in the event of a system failure.
  An OpenVMS Cluster configuration also means you can have a single system
  disk -- possibly using host- or controller-based volume shadowing for
  storage hardware redundancy.
  The OpenVMS Cluster interfaces and mechanisms are completely transparent.
  Applications can also specifically take advantage of available techniques
  that make better use of a cluster configuration -- such as using the lock
  manager to establish a "primary" and multiple "secondary" applications
  across the nodes in the cluster, and automatic "election" of a new
  primary application in the event of node or application failure.  These
  same techniques and interfaces also operate as expected in a standalone
  system environment.
  For remote management, look at the OpenVMS Management Tools, at the
  remote display capabilities of DECwindows, at DECamds, and other tools.
  (You likely already have licenses and kits for these packages.)  The
  upper-end NAS licenses include an OpenVMS Cluster license, and the
  cluster license is also available seperately.  (You will need a full
  Cluster license -- not a "client" license -- for this configuration.)

answer written or last revised on ( 25-AUG-1998 )

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