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HP OpenVMS Systems

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no baud puns here

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The Question is:

How do I set the baud rate on the DSW42.
It seams to be defaulting to 19.2.  I need
it to be 9600.

The Answer is :

  For asynchronous serial line devices, please see HELP SET TERMINAL,
  particularly looking at the /PERMANENT and /SPEED qualifiers.
  One often finds SET TERMINAL commands included in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM
  or another component procedure of the local system startup.
  For information on resetting the speed on a synchronous communications
  card, please see the documentation for the specific module in question,
  and for the software package and/or device driver(s) that support it.
  For assistance with the module and the module settings, please contact
  your hardware support organization.

answer written or last revised on ( 27-AUG-1998 )

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