[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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INSTALL returning NOGBLSEC warning?

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The Question is:

While installing an executable image as "share/prot/open"
I get the error "%INSTALL-W-NOGBLSEC". I can build this program on Alpha and
it successfully. There is more than enough free global sections
on both VAX and Alpha.
The help of "NOGBLSEC" says that you get this error
if the image sections are not created shareable.
How do I ensure that the image sections do get
created shareable ? Is this a linker option or
a programming mode in C ?
Raj Mohan

The Answer is :

  This problem is not likely related to the number of free global sections
  configured by OpenVMS, rather, it is related to the attributes of the
  specific image.  (The INSTALL utility is warning you that it did not
  find any sections in the image marked as shareable, thus there were no
  sections that could be loaded into shareable global sections...)
  Please see the shareable image cookbook for information on how to create
  shareable images -- the shareable image cookbook webpage is referenced
  by the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.
  If the shareable image cookbook and the output from a LINK/MAP/FULL does
  not answer your questions in this area, please contact the customer
  support center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 31-AUG-1998 )

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