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HP OpenVMS Systems

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VAX categories? (parlez-vous le fancais?)

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The Question is:

Est ce que la cpu S  7006 sous VAX open vms existe ?
Dans quelle catigorie cette cpu peut on la classer?
pourriez vous me communiquer la liste complite de vos cpus et leur
merci d'avance
Larry COHEN :-)

The Answer is :

  There is no "VAX 7006" system, the closest VAX system to one with this
  name is likely the VAX 7000-600 series.
  Information on various older VAX processors is available via:
  Additional information is also available via various websites referenced
  by the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting, as well.
  Information on licensing information -- if that is what you are refering
  to when seeking information on categores -- is available in the OpenVMS
  documentation set, and via:

answer written or last revised on ( 2-SEP-1998 )

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