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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Seeking information on DECmcc?

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The Question is:

Digital sold a product a few years back call MCC.
We use MCC to collect decnet event 4.17 (area
reachability) to calculate downtime of decnet areas.
We are concerned about our dependency upon the
product and the possibility of it not working
in the not-so-distant future (say January, 2000).
My question:  Do you know of a product that runs
under Windows NT 4.0 that can receive decnet
events?  I would be willing to consider running
something on my 6.2 VMS server that could send
an SNMP event to NT.
This is not the sort of question that I know how
to phrase to search the web.
Any help is much appreciated.

The Answer is :

  DECmcc has been retired.  DECmcc V3.0, including a port to OpenVMS Alpha,
  was shipped last year.
  Please contact the pre-sales technical support folks at 1-800-DIGITAL
  for assistance and suggestions.  Also please see the product and contact
  information for DECmcc available at:
  Information on locating the Year 2000 status of a product is present in
  the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -- if you have not already
  looked up the status.

answer written or last revised on ( 4-SEP-1998 )

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