[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP (UCX?) LPR jobs retained on error?

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The Question is:

Mr. Wiz,
What causes the following?  PTR104 is a LPR(tcp/ip) printer
I can go out to a dmp directrory and find files with the retained
Help when you can....
Daniel Bohner
ADARMS::ADA:[COM]> sh que ptr104
Server queue PTR104, idle, on ADARMS::, mounted form DEFAULT
  Entry  Jobname         Username     Blocks  Status
  -----  -------         --------     ------  ------
   1130  RMS104          ISDAN             5  Retained on error
       %UCX-F-NOMSG, Message number 030AEBB4
         Completed  2-SEP-1998 21:11:58.15 on queue PTR104
   1131  RMS104          ISDAN             4  Retained on error
       %UCX-F-NOMSG, Message number 030AEBB4
         Completed  2-SEP-1998 21:27:11.65 on queue PTR104

The Answer is :

  Please contact the customer support center.
  Information from the log files, as well as information on the TCP/IP
  product and version, as well as any ECO kits that have been applied,
  will likely be needed.

answer written or last revised on ( 4-SEP-1998 )

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