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Various PATHWORKS and PATHWORKS 32 questions?

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The Question is:

After hours of research, and asking Digital Pre-sales some questions, you
are my final resort.
We currently have 25 clients unning on Windows 3.11 and using pathworks v.
4.1 for Windows-for-workgroups. Our current pathworks server version is CCS
4.1 (LanManager).  For the clients we use Terminal emulation through Decnet
protocol, and CTERM and LAT
(for printers)as transports. We are running on a Dec Alpha - Model 3000
(900), and Open VMS 6.1
We now need it for 2 Win 95 machines.  So we need Pathworks 32.
My First question:
Is Pathworks 32 compatible with  version 4.1 on the server side.  Or are we
required to upgrade our version of Pathworks on the Server side in order for
the 2 new Pathworks 32 clients to run?
NOTE: I am aware that Pathworks 4.1 is not supported anymore...however this
is more of a pre-sales question.
My second question:
If I upgrade to Open VMS v. 7.1, can I still continue to run Pathworks 4.1
on the server?  Or is there a minimum requirement of pathworks version for
OpenVMS 7.1?
My third question:
    Since OpenVMS v. 7.1 does not require PATHWORKS as a client, do we
actually need pathworks at all?  I mean can't we use Digital TCP/IP instead
of Decnet...and get rid of Pathworks?
If we use TCP/IP...what are its disadvantages over using Decnet? also what
is the difference between UCX and Multi-net?  (other than the fact that one
comes with OpenVMS, and the other is bought)

The Answer is :

  1. PATHWORKS 32 is not related to PATHWORKS for OpenVMS versions, as
     far as support is concerned.
  2. Please see the software rollout for the supported layered product
     versions for particular OpenVMS releases.  Earlier layered product
     versions may or may not operate.
  3. PATHWORKS clients are required if DECnet and LAT are of interest,
     or if the PowerTerm 525 terminal emulator, eXcursion, or support
     for printing to locally-attached printers are of interest.  If
     these or other PATHWORKS client capabilities are not required, then
     the PATHWORKS client is not required.

answer written or last revised on ( 4-SEP-1998 )

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