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HP OpenVMS Systems

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HSC tool (HSCCMD) on OpenVMS Alpha?

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The Question is:

Back in 1991 a Digital engineer named Brad Morgan wrote and distributed a
VAX macro program that accepted a single HSC command and forwarded the
command to a selected HSC for execution via DUP.  This program was called
HSCCMD.  I have the macro source for
 VAX systems, but was trying to find a Alpha version for OpenVMS/Alpha V6.2
and higher.

The Answer is :

  The HSC (Cronic) distribution for V6.0 supplied the HSCCMD tool on the
  distribution kit.
  The Wizard is not in a position to see if the HSCCMD code will work on
  OpenVMS Alpha or has been ported to, but would suggest simply trying it
  and checking for errors.  (The HSCCMD code is, after all, quite simple.)

answer written or last revised on ( 14-SEP-1998 )

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