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HP OpenVMS Systems

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loading DECnet-Plus namespace?

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The Question is:

I have currently tried to upgrade our DECnet
Phase IV to DECnet/OSI v6.02. However, upon
upgrade, I found out that the nodes that I had
before when I do NCP> sho known nodes was no
longer registered even if I answered yes to the
NET$CONFIGURE question to convert my Phase IV
database. My question is, how can I convert the
nodes in the NET_REMOTE.DAT so that it could be
used to repopulate the new DECnet/OSI database?

The Answer is :

  The "Yes" to the NET$CONFIGURE question depends on the current namespace,
  and can pertain only to the conversion of MOP clients when the LOCAL
  namespace is not selected.  If you select the LOCAL namespace, then
  another pass of NET$CONFIGURE should load the local node definitions
  from the contents of the DECnet Phase IV file NETNODE_REMOTE.DAT.
  @SYS$MANAGER:NET$CONFIGURE ADVANCED can be used to switch from DECdns
  to the LOCAL namespace.
  The DECnet register tool (sys$system:decnet_register.exe) can also be
  useful here.
  Contact the customer support center for further assistance with this.

answer written or last revised on ( 17-SEP-1998 )

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