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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECserver, MOP downloads, and PR0801ENG.SYS?

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The Question is:

I am trying to set up a DECserver 200/mc for serial printing and
I have been unable to connect to it because it doesn't log itself in.
The message I get is this:
Line open error, File open error, Load file
%MOM-E-OPENIN, error opening SYS$COMMON: [MOM$SYSTEM]PR0801ENG.SYS; as input
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found
Ethernet address = "the address on the unit"
Obviously it can't find this PR0801ENG.SYS file that it needs to log on.
Unfortunately, I can't find it on our system either.
Please advise on a solution as we need to make use of this unit immediately.
It is of critical importance to our operation.
Thank you,
Tom Booher
Operations/Systems Administrator
Columbus, Ohio

The Answer is :

  The PR0801ENG.SYS is the system image that is downloaded into the
  requesting device.
  If you cannot locate a copy of PR0801ENG.SYS at your site, you will
  need to acquire a copy of the download files required for this device.
  The Wizard would recommend contacting the customer support center for
  initial assistance with this acquisition.

answer written or last revised on ( 18-SEP-1998 )

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