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HP OpenVMS Systems

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help connecting to ISP (PPP, IP, etc)?

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The Question is:

 Please Disregard My First Qustion
 Below is a Question I have:
 I have a VAX using VMS 7.1 and
 UCX 4.x and I have it working
 in a local area network with a
 registered Tcp/IP addresses.
 I have the following Information:
     The Name :             tst.dummy.net
     The Login Name:    tstuser
     The Passwd :          tstpaswrd
     The Dedicated Dial-in
      Number is  XXX-939-3012
      DNS2 : 200.XXX.143.6
 If I want to have that VAX on the
 Internet using a modem to an ISP and
 a dedicated IP address what do I do to
 make it work ?
 Help !
 Ed Zuris

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq customer services organization and contact
  your local ISP, as you will need to determine what sort of connection
  is available and the sorts of bandwidth required, and you will need
  to determine what sort of connection(s) are present on the system
  (or will be required), whether or not you need a dedicated or just an
  infrequent (dial-up) connection with the ISP, and what sort of message
  handling (MX or otherwise) you need from the ISP.
  Assuming a low-speed asynchronous serial communications link, you will
  be hooking a modem to OpenVMS.  Please see the previous discussions on
  hooking modems to OpenVMS systems available in this area.
  Once you have the modem link established, you will need to configure
  the PPP link with your ISP.  Please see the previous discussions on
  configuring PPP available in this area, as well as the TCP/IP Services
  for OpenVMS (UCX) documentation.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-SEP-1998 )

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