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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP (UCX) problems with UCX$SHUTDOWN?

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The Question is:

UCX 3.3
When I run @ucx$shutdown, the system will say the following process is still
running but no process was shown in the list and then ask if I want to kill
it, since there's no process shown, when I type yes, it will repeat the same
message. I have to shutdo
wn and reboot the system in order to restart ucx. Any idea? Thanks.

The Answer is :

  Please upgrade to the latest ECO level for TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
  (UCX) for V3.3 at a minimum, and seriously consider upgrading to the
  (far more current) V4.2 release (with its associated ECO kit).
  If you can duplicate this behaviour on the current UCX release, please
  contact the customer support center directly.

answer written or last revised on ( 23-SEP-1998 )

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