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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP (UCX) and FTP of many files?

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The Question is:

I am generating some 2500 postscript files on a VAX, which I wish to
transfer onto a PC to enable me to use the PDF distiller to allow me to
publish the documents on the Office network. But, when using the FTP
facility (instigated by the PC) the transfer
will fail anywhere between 100 and 250 files. there is an error reported
saying that there have been to many sockets opened(?) an transfer failed.
Is there a no of files limit on the version of UCX/FTP which I am using?

The Answer is :

  Without seeing the specific FTP error message(s) generated, the Wizard
  might suspect that this could also be a PC FTP limit.
  What FTP command(s) are used?  mget?
  What version of TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) is in use?
  What UCX ECO is installed?
  Please contact the customer support center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 23-SEP-1998 )

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