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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP (UCX) protection errors? (V3.2)

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The Question is:

   I have upgraded a UCX version 2.0 to 3.2 and after that I cannot put a
file via FTP to any directory account on the system, neither in my home
directory. I have permission to write in my home directory, because my
protection is :
System: RWED Owner: RWED Group: RE World: No Access
Thanks for your attention

The Answer is :

  Please acquire a more recent version of TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX),
  you have upgraded to what is now a very old version.  Then please check
  for (and apply) the ECO kit associated with the particular version of UCX.
  In the case of UCX V3.2, acquire the UCXECO7-032 kit from the patch area
  (http://search.service.digital.com/), or upgrade to a more recent version
  and that version's associated ECO kit.
  The Wizard usually suggests the use of security audits to track down these
  And within FTP, the command DEBUG ON can sometimes be useful.
  But, as mentioned, first acquire the ECO (or upgrade).

answer written or last revised on ( 24-SEP-1998 )

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