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IP cluster alias?

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The Question is:

WHere can I find an explanation of how a  cluster failover is handled?
I am specifically in need of an axplanation of the way tcp/ip address and
mac addresses (which are cached in the local user systems arp cache) are
for example if i am connected to a cluster via an alias and the actual ip
address/mac address of my target system disappears, then how do i reconnect
given that my arp cache is 'dirty', and points to a mac address which is no
longer available....?
Where are these things handled?
Is this documented.
A prospect I am selling to needs an accurate description of this please!>
many thanks

The Answer is :

  You are seeking information on how the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX)
  product or other IP package handles a cluster, and apparently are not
  specifically interested in how cluster failover operates.
  In general, when the system fails underneath a connection, be it DECnet
  or IP, the application must reconnect back into the cluster.  Using the
  alias capabilities, the TCP/IP or DECnet software will distribute any
  incoming connection to an available node -- the application software does
  not generally have to trouble itself with the lower-level implementation
  details of the cluster alias.
  For information beyond what is included in the UCX documentation on the
  cluster alias and associated processing, please contact the pre-sales
  technical support organization.

answer written or last revised on ( 25-SEP-1998 )

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