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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Redirecting MCP output?

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The Question is:

I need to create a file containing information
about MCP (MCP QUEUE/FULL) in my directory for
sending by mail to other users and to myself, but
  I cannot read it in Eudora neither by Netscape
Messenger, all what it shows is no information or
just a few symbols.  I4ve tried with the MAIL
EXTRACT command and it generates a text file wich
I can see on Eudora and Netscape when I send it to
my mail account, but I cannot read it once it4s
generated by my DCL program.
The main commands I use in order are:
Where file is the file I send by mail.
Please send me all solutions to my e-mail
I4ll really appreciate your help, thank you.

The Answer is :

  Please contact the customer support center, there is insufficient
  information here to determine what the particular problem is.
  Please expect to be asked for a complete example of the non-working
  DCL procedure.
  Also expect to be asked for specifics of the MCP tool, such as the
  version of PATHWORKS -- if this is the PATHWORKS MCP tool, of course.

answer written or last revised on ( 28-SEP-1998 )

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